What is a satisfaction note?

Everything you need to know about satisfaction notes
Written by Phillip Daneshyar
Updated 1 year ago

A satisfaction note is a declaration from your customer to say they are happy with the work provided and the quote has been fulfilled. Whenever a job is finance Kanda will require a signed satisfaction note from your customer before we make payment to you. 

The good news is all you have to do is login to your portal and click 'mark job as finished'. At this point we'll email the customer asking them to confirm the job is finished. They'll click a link and answer a couple questions before electronically signing it. 

Once received we'll make payment to you on the next payout day (read about them here)

What if a customer refuses to sign the document?

Kanda will reach out to the customer to see why they haven’t completed it. If they refuse to sign they will have to provide hard evidence that the job has not been completed adequately. If they can’t we mark the job off as completed and pay it out as usual. If they can then Kanda will act as an intermediary between the tradesman and the customer to come to a resolution.

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